

Oh dear, I thought the senate meeting was this week and the congressional
later. One can never tell. I sometimes wonder what they are doing. Nita

Walter O. Huegel wrote:

> This morning I called the offices of all the House Appropriations
> Committee regarding Parkinson research, as suggested by Nita  Andres.  I
> used 202 225 3121.
> Ail was on Good Morning America today, mentally sharp, a few quips and
> even a short poem, tweaking ABC.
> Did you read the Alzheimer research message which implied some neurons
> were dormant, and were controlled by a part of the brain, comparable to
> an airport's control tower.  The drought this summer could lead to the
> expectation that the brown grass was surely killed by the drought and /
> or fried to deathby the sun . Viola, it's back, green and needing a
> "grass cut"  Incredible, Wow, God!
> A number of congressional aides indicated that the budget votes are a
> few weeks off.