

I don't agree.  A disabled or mentally ill person cannot be cast in the same
category as a living stem cell.  They are living and breathing beings with
feelings and abilities they call their own.  What plagued Europe in the past
was the ultimate wrong, from warped minds that had zero respect for the
living and breathing and suffering.  Should scientists be cast in the same
conscience under an uglier name. That would be the purest insult to those
dedicated to helping people regain back their lives.  I never met Mo Udall
but like many know his story.  At his final days lying immobile unable to
talk, to swallow....imprisoned in his own body.  What were his final
thoughts......what were the stem cell's?  Surely, you cannot cast Mo as rich
in his moment.  Cruel unwarranted imprisonment should never be tolerated.
Stop PD.