

Janet and other list friends,

  I agree wholeheartedly with your statement:

Janet reno is on  public view
being an example of her pd reality right now
she is in the early stages and can still wokr with not much difficulty
this is a reality of pd
is it not
it is also a reality thaat her diagnosis is  not an instant dealth
she does not deny that it will get worse

   This expresses exactly my reaction to the her latest interview and the
ongoing controversy about her.  Reno's initial announcement that she was
diagnosed with PD came a few weeks before my diagnosis in December 1995.
In fact seeing her on the news gave me the first inkling that PD could be
what all my strange symptons were about. Since then, I've followed her
progress, feeling like our lives as Parkies are linked in some way.
   I do believe that her statements about PD are expressing the reality
of HER life as it is TODAY. I share many of her feelings about this stage
in our progression.
When I first was diagnosed - I thought my life was over. I felt only
despair about the future. It was by finding this list and reading and
learning from other list members that I came to realize that you can live
with PD, and there stilll was a future to look forward to - even if it
wasn't the future we had originally planned.
   After 4 years, I have been fortunate that my disease progression is
slow. I am still employed, and after working at part-time jobs for many
years - was finally offered a full time job in June, which I accepted,
raising some eye brows among my friends.  I make it a point to stress to
my employer and co-workers what I can do -in spite of  PD (which at this
point is whatever I could do before) - not what my current problems are
or the long-term prognosis (would they have hired me or keep me if I
   I fully understand and am aware of what is coming down the road - but
I don't know when to expect it. I know I will  not be able to work to
normal retirement age. I know the disease will progress. For now, I chose
to make the best of each day - and accomplish whatever I am able to at
work and outside of  work. Somehow, I think that Janet Reno is doing the
Linda Herman