

KF Etzold wrote:
>I think it fairly likely that the Dopamine level decay decreases >exponentially not to zero but to a baseline level.This level is the >residual production by the body of its natural dopamine. This would >give the baseline level that Joe talks about.

I quite agree, but there's an additional complication that I omitted
for the sake of clarity: Some professionals, both researchers and
practicing neuros, feel that the dopamine "baseline" level builds up
during the first weeks or months of levodopa therapy, so that even if
you stop taking Sinemet, your PD symptoms aren't as bad (for a while)
as before you started. They call this the "long-term" effect, as
opposed to the "short-term" effect of each dose individually. Also,
the exponential function of decay or growth occurs so often in nature
it's a pretty reliable assumption, but keep in mind it is only that.
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013