

Hi Don: 

I just called Lillian from the NPF/ University of Miami Brain Bank and asked her about the expenses associated with donating a brain for research.  She told me that the only time the family of the person donating a brain would incur expenses would be for illnesses, such as Huntington's and others in which the brain bank does not receive support from any organization.  In the case of Parkinson's disease, the National Parkinson Foundation pays for all of the costs for the donated brain. 

Please call the NPF/UM Brain Bank at 1-800-862-7246 and ask for an "Inquiry Packet".  As you all know, doing research on brains with Parkinson's as well as "healthy" brains (those not having PD) as a comparison brain, is essential in finding a cure. 


Bonnie Cunningham

Date:    Wed, 15 Sep 1999 18:40:39 -0700
From:    "Donald F. McKinley" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: BRAIN

VIVIAN AND I  wear talking about me giving my brain such as it is to the PD
FOUNDATION we wear tol  that we would have to pay for every thing. VIVIAN
said no as if she would still left or as that goes even daughter should not
be burden with the cost. as we where told it could run in the 1000's so if
any one know in and outs let us know. i think at least i can be of great
help for us.

                     I.Y.Q. DON(DAD) AND VIVIAN(MOM)
                         LOVE OF MY LIFE-54

                       BEST MED'S FOR PD IS