

FRIENDS--some time ago, Art Hirsch posted about getting a breakdown of the
cost of his PD meds, and that this could be used as an advocacy tool in
trying to explain the costs to society of PD.

Taking his lead, I asked the Merck-Medco mail order company, where Peter's
insurance gives us excellent Rx coverage, for a printout of costs, after
the deductible this year.

Subtracting the few non-pd meds, and starting in March ( the $100. out of
pocket having been met) the total to 9/13/99 was a stunning $ 6,186.07 paid
by the  insurer, and a co-payment of $84.50 on our part.
(I said this was excellent coverage didn't I? Generics are free, though
they will cost $4.50 max. after 1/1/00 and brand names, now $2.00 will be
$9.00 max.--those are the current drugstore prices for Rxs not ordered by

I think these figures of cost to insurers--or lacking good insurance, to
patients--can be used with legislators in pointing out *one* of the
elements of cost for PD.

Any ideas (PAN???) about the most effective way to present this sort of
info to Congress?
{And I feel somewhat guilty about this wonderful coverage, when so many
have none--Peter was very lucky to work for a state university with a great
retirement  insurance program.}

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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