


Funny you should mention sciatica, 'cause I'm just now getting
over the third or fourth attack of it that I've had in about 2
years.  This bout lasted for 10 days and I took 2 80mg. of Motrin
the first few days, then just said "the heck with it," and
complained to Scooter 'n Buzzy -cats (I tend to do that when I'm
feeling sorry for myself 'cause they're SO empathic)

I can't say whether it's an actual PD (had the steeeenkin' disease
for almost 25 years) symptom or an aging one (I'm almost 57), of
merely "life" doing it's usual thing to remind us that no matter
how hard we try to be in control of things there's always subtle
reminders that it's mostly the little things that we're bend to
our will.

An empathic hug to your mom (and one for you, too).

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 4:05 PM
Subject: sciatica, back surgery

>has anyone here with parkinson's experienced sciatica?
>if so:
>what did you do for relief? did it work?
>did you have back surgery, and if so did that work for you?
>my mom (age 68, diagnosed with pd 5 years ago, taking artane and
>has been diagnosed with sciatica. she has lower back pain and leg
pain that
>is often disabling if she doesn't take a whole lot of motrin (up
to 3200mg
>per day).  she's had it for 2 years, but it's gotten much worse
in the past 6
>months.  the mri and ct scan revealed a herneated disc, and they
want to
>operate. we've tried physical therapy, accupuncture and tens
>stimulation), but  so far nothing has helped.  we ofcourse would
prefer to
>avoid surgery if we can.  we recently came across a sentence in
>informational pamphlet on parkinson's which stated that sometimes
people with
>parkinson's can have lower back and leg pain that mimics
sciatica, but it
>didn't give any more information on it. does anyone know anything
else about
>this, or can point me in the right direction regarding research.
i've been
>doing medline searches but i can't find anything. i'm very
interested in any
>personal anecdotes.