

Your message was a necessary one.  We are a grass roots movement, and the
Senators won't understand us fully by viewing only  the highest profile and
most visible among us.

There will be more people at the hearing wanting to see MJ close up than
there will be people who care about what the hearing is about.

We'd like to do so much more, but....
We'd like the Senators to see the extent of the disease and what it does to
 people, but....
We'd like them to understand first hand the urgency of our cause, but....

So what?

We're lucky to have the hearing in the first place at this late hour.
If it's not all that we want, we can still try to make the most of it!

Maybe we can get the whole story to them next time.

...but maybe our high visibility people will do the job so well that there
won't need to be a next time.  Let's hope that will be the case.


At 05:35 AM 9/24/99 , Hilary Blue wrote:
>dear susan
>I think you are perfectly correct
>that the hearing needs to be packed
>as it was for other groups
>such as MS and breast cancer.