

A friend sent these, and while I've seen some before, it may not have been
on the lists---please take note if they are new to you---
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>These accounts were sent to me by the
>Leon County Sheriff*s Office
>E-Mail Neighborhood Network (ENN)
>Bulletin #   99-15
>Both the Tallahassee Police Department and the Leon County Sheriff's Office
>send out regular bulletins making citizens aware of crimes, scams or
>problems targeting Leon County residents.   It is great to be kept informed.
>I hope this helps some of you.
>                                       Debug Y2K Con artists
>Countdown to Y2K: 99 days
>While most crooks are not the smartest people in the world, they do
>recognize opportunity.  Creative criminals have devised a number of ways to
>capitalize on the current millennium scare.  One of the most effective ways
>to protect yourself against fraud of any type is to stay informed and
>prepare for a potential encounter with a shyster intent on separating you
>from your money.
>A few common Y2K Scams
>*I got a call from someone who said he represented my bank.  He said they
>were having trouble preparing for the Year 2000 and that I should transfer
>my money to a special account until the bank can comply with the Y2K
>requirements.  I hung up on him!  Did I do the right thing?
>Yes!  This is a version of the old *Bank Examiner* con, one of the oldest.
>Never provide financial account information to people you don't know.  That
>*special account* referred to is probably in an overseas account with
>someone else*s name on it.
>*I got a call from a woman who said she needed my credit card number to
>verify that the card would work after January 1, 2000.  Is this a scam?*
>*I received a very official looking notice in the mail yesterday informing
>me the magnetic strips on my credit cards needed to be replaced to fix a
>Y2K bug.  They instructing me to call a telephone number, give my account
>numbers and new mag strips would be mailed within ten days.*
>The same advise applies; never give account numbers to people you don*t
>know, especially if the request is Y2K related.
>There is a reported case of a mail order company peddling hollowed-out
>books for people to stash Y2K cash reserves.  Don*t buy it!  Authorities
>investigating this case believe the operation is run by burglars who plan
>to capitalize on those who order the *book banks*.  The product is shipped
>directly to the purchasers home address.  So burglars not only know where
>to break in, they know where to look for the loot!

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
<[log in to unmask]>

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