

At 18:34 1999/09/24 -0400, you wrote:
>^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
> Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
> Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        64   deg. F   :-)
>  Dear P.I.E.N. readers,
>It's official.  After a long series of telephone calls
>from both the Portland and the Washington offices
>of U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine, I have
>been asked to submit testimony for the Senate
>Appropiations hearing, Tuesday morning, September
>28, 1999.
>My responsibility is to supply approximately 14 pages
>of double-spaced, typed testimony.  This page-length
>is that which would represent a ten-minute speech.
>I have been asked to describe in detail what I go through
>daily to combat Parkinson's Disease.
>Because Tuesday morning's hearing is on an extremely tight
>schedule, my  testimony probably will not be read at the
>microphone. It is definitely, "official testimony", however,
>and  I am still waiting to hear exactly how it will be
>It will be handed directly to the Committee Chair,  Senator
>Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania,  by Senator Snowe,
>and copied for all of the Senators on the Appropriations Committee,
>and their staffs.
>Thank you all for your support, and  for your e-mail
>and telephone calls about adding me to the established
>Kind of exciting, isn't it??
>Ivan Suzman (49/39/36)

it is supoib
simply supoib!


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
<[log in to unmask]>