

hi all

At 17:16 1999/09/25 -0400, jane wrote:
>At 02:07 PM 9/25/1999 -0400, janet wrote:
>>i'm off - will be brief
>>why would they want to
>>who are we
>>whats in it for them
>I forget how many listmemebers are from the US, 1500-1600?  What they have
>the opportunity to get is votes and, for those who are really gung ho over
>their answers, contributions!
>Jane Koenig   (daughter of Fred, 81/MSA3)

the numbers would be interesting

it's difficult to assess countries of origin
with some internet service providers like aol

the list has a wider readership than just the individual members
doesn't it?

some of the members are 'list exploders'
who distribute postings to their support groups
or other people who are not 'wired'

some of the members are here because they are in the 'biz' - i.e.
the pd orgs, drug companies, medical journals, pd treatment centres, etc

there's an element of confidentiality here that cannot be breached
we could in fact be being heard in all sorts of venues
that we don't know about and cannot 'use'
from a 'self-promotional' angle

hey ms candidate
you should come talk to us
cuz there's a whole lot of people here
numbers? waaal, that's kinda hard to pin down...
demographics?  waaal, them's kinda hard to pin down too...
but we shore are a powerful bunch
how powerful?  waaal, we don't rightly know... not eggzackly

like barb said -
this is a brand new world out here
and we are the pioneers - on the cutting edge of ... something!

hey - there's an angle right there, no?


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
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