

Errrr.... sorry, Murray, but you'll have to go to the end of
the line to get Monica's 1-900 phone number - and it's
a LONG line!

But HEY - don't just up and leave 'cause I CAN get ya
the phone number of the gal who taped poor Monica
(Judith Whazzername?) and then turned them tapes
into the FBI, CIA, Interpol, the KGB, Kenneth Starr, the
Pope, and God and the whole world

Of course it'll COST ya, 'cause SHE'S saving up
to get a nose-job like Paula Whazzername  (Oh, how
quickly we forget yesterday's news!),  plus she's
deeply in debt to Diet Queen, Jenny Craig! <Ohhh
Barbie, you are SUCH a catty bit*h*!) <giggle>

(Pssst) <whispering> Now Murray, this is just between you 'n me so
don't you be going and telling anyone that I said this, but _ I _
don't think it'll fly either!  But it WOULD on, say, AOL, or MSN.

Oh well... just a thought.

Barb Mallut
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--Original Message-----
From: Murray Charters <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, September 26, 1999 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: invite them to e-address the list?

On 25 Sep 99 at 23:26, Barb_MSN wrote:

> With all due respect, I hate to throw a cog in your
> virtual wheel, but email from a politician posted on
> the List will have a very limited exposure.  Limited, that
> is, when one considers the millions and millions of
> people who access the Internet each day.
Go ahead Barb, throw a cog in the virtual wheel... I double dare
And I'm gonna plunge a hockey stick troo da spokes.....
> Email isn't like a live chat.  It can't have the impact that
> live chat has as it's naturally limited by the number of List
> members who are registered to the List.   In this case,
> 1800 or there abouts individuals - and not all of these
> people are US voters
No, the List majority may be from the US but lots are not....
> Anything that's posted as a statement by a specific
> political figure can easily have originated from one of
> their aids and credited to the Big Cheese themself.
> None of us would even know the difference as to who
> actually authored such a message.
As I recall da prez was in favor of the Udall Bill but it didn't
any icewhen it came to appropriations....
> Heck... a  year ago, it we might have received a post
> allegedly written to our List members by the President,
> when in reality, he might have fobbed it off on one of
> his aids - errrrr such as Monica Lewinsky! (wee smirk)
Do ya have Monica's 1-900 number??
> Why not invite a bunch of politicians - either together or
> individually - to join List members in a live CHAT?  THAT
> way, with advance  publicity, our speaker-to-be will
> HAVE to be the speaker we invite! (tho I guess we'd
> have to take their word for it).
I doubt they would be interested in live CHAT.... not enough
opportunity for controlled spin.....

Sooooo, Barb M. I agree with you basically, but I don't think

Bill, count me as a no, if you count non US list members.

All the best ............. murray
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