

Hi all,
Is it just me, or does the following message raise any caution
or question in anyone else's mind?? Dr. Fink?  Dr. Meyer?

On 26 Sep 99 at 9:10, Patty Maeglin wrote:

> Maryse,
> In reference to Jim's post and question "why don't Parkinsonians just take
> GABA that you can buy over the counter for sleep" ?  Two types of GABA A &B,
> good idea to ask Doc how to incorporated it along with ones anti-park meds.
> GABA, an amino acid, inhibits cells from overfiring, and 750 milligrams of it
> can be taken to calm the body down much in the same way as valium, Librium,
> and other tranquilizers without the fear of addiction.  GABA is being
> recommended by wholistic health professionals in place of many drugs.  With
> niacinamide and inosital, it prevents anxiety and stress-related messages
> from reaching the motor centers of the brain by filling it's receptor site.
> it functions as a neuron transmitter inn the central nervous system by
> decreasing neuron activity.   -
> James F. Balch and Phyllis A. Balch
> "Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing"
> (Garden City  Park New York:Avery Publishing group, Inc.1990

I hate to rain on your parade Patty but what the heck........ I think
we all should be very wary of information from the Web and also
information from books written for the sole purpose of making money
selling books.  What credentials do James and Phyllis Balch have???
Is a 1990 book a good reference for taking a chemical combination
that MIGHT (or might not) prove dangerous or even lethal in some of
us parkies?? (I don't know the first thing about GABA and I'm not a
medical professional, I'm a mechanic.  But, I've seen this book and
it's hundreds of pages)   Are these the same people that think
chelation cures a panacea of ailments??  Are these the same people
that recommend steroids?? As an aside, even if their recommendation
is valid, there may be multiple sources for some of the vitamins and
supplements and some sources may be undesirable.

It's good to read and surf and post info but please check with your
professionals (the doctors, neuros, and pharmacists) before you take
over the counter stuff recommended by books or the Internet.  You are
dealing with your health and your life.

All the best .......... murray
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