

In a message dated 9/28/99 9:36:04 AM Mountain Daylight Time, [log in to unmask]

 A question: has anyone asked Senator
 Specter, or any other Senator, ( Sen. Harkin is
 the Minority Ranking Member) if my printed
 Testimony  will be mentioned at all, at
 the microphone?

Hi Ivan.  I've made a few calls for information.  Everyone seems to be at the
hearing this morning.  I left a message at Sen. Specter's office with your
question,  for  one of his Aides; left a message for Ellen Murray at Sen
office as well.  Next, I called the district offices of my NM congressmen
and was transferred all over Washington like LIGHTNING!   Now THOSE
folks are fast, Ivan.  And I don't think I paid for that call!!!  But the
bottom line
is that no one gave me a yes or no.   If I get any call backs, or emails, will
let you know.  Don't you feel like a chicken hatching an egg??  I feel like
my toe has been on the starting line for 48 hours, and the gun still has not
gone off!    This gives new meaning to "HANG IN THERE."

Yours in grade 10 anxiety,
Clare Wilson