

Marty and PIE list,

My mother who is PWP for 19 years and is 77 years old has a terrible time
with dyskinesias.  Neuro has reduced Sinemet to four doses of 25/100 and
increased Mirapex to 3 doses of  1/2 a tab of 1.5mg.  She is now either
rigid, sleepy and sometimes faint/lightheaded during the day with only some
good time in the morning and then dyskinesias in the evening or after trying
hard to do something like holding the phone.  She does have short term
memory loss and trouble learning new things and I don't know if that factors
into surgery decisions.  Nobody has ever suggested palidotomy or STN.  Is it
because of her age or her stingy HMO?  Appreciate any advice for her.
