

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        64   deg. F   :-)
  Dear P.I.E.N. readers,

It's official.  After a long series of telephone calls
from both the Portland and the Washington offices
of U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine, I have
been asked to submit testimony for the Senate
Appropiations hearing, Tuesday morning, September
28, 1999.

My responsibility is to supply approximately 14 pages
of double-spaced, typed testimony.  This page-length
is that which would represent a ten-minute speech.

I have been asked to describe in detail what I go through
daily to combat Parkinson's Disease.

Because Tuesday morning's hearing is on an extremely tight
schedule, my  testimony probably will not be read at the
microphone. It is definitely, "official testimony", however,
and  I am still waiting to hear exactly how it will be

It will be handed directly to the Committee Chair,  Senator
Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania,  by Senator Snowe,
and copied for all of the Senators on the Appropriations Committee,
and their staffs.

Thank you all for your support, and  for your e-mail
and telephone calls about adding me to the established

Kind of exciting, isn't it??

Ivan Suzman (49/39/36)