

I rarely miss a message that says how can I help next Tuesday . I do not
know where you live.The first one has a picture of the US when in comes
up and you can click on your state to see how to reach your senators ,
it also tells what committees they are on. ( Usually) I have not looked
at all states. You will have to click on the blue button to see their
e-mail and maybe their committee assignments

The second tells you who the members of the committees are. The house
will be the first to appear. Look for the appropriations committee and
then the subcommittee called Labor , Health and Human Services and
Education check to see if your representative is on there. ( If you
don't know who your representative is and do know know your zip + 4
number you can find out on the first site. ) Repeat the same for the
senate to see if your senator is on that senate committee (same name)

>> Save these sites because you will want to write or call your representative
> a little later. I have worn a path through mine ( can one do that?)

> Regards , Nita.