

While Hilary and Harshaw were arguing about MS and PD yesterday, this came
across the AOL ticker - and I had expected someone would  have posted it
right away - but nobody did.

                      News Home : Latest News Stories : Science

                      Stem Cells May Help Muscle Disease

                      The Associated Press
                      Thursday, September 23 1999 06:27 AM EDT

      BOSTON (AP) - Researchers have found that bone marrow
      transplants might be a new way to restore strength to patients with
      muscular dystrophy and other muscle-wasting diseases.

      In very preliminary experiments, scientists at Children's Hospital
      infused mice weakened with muscular dystrophy with bone marrow
      stem cells taken from healthy donor mice.

      The stem cells generated new bone marrow and blood cells in the
      sick mice, whose own bone marrow had been destroyed with
      radiation. The stem cells also generated healthy, mature muscle cells
      that traveled through the blood stream to ravaged skeletal muscles
      and to a certain extent, restored them.

      If the immature bone marrow stem cells can generate muscle cells,
      they also might prove to be a source of repair cells for other kinds of
      tissues in the body, said scientists led by Richard Mulligan and Louis
      Kunkel of Children's and Harvard Medical School.

      The findings are important because ``in adult tissues we may have a
      reservoir of stem cells that has more potential than we think'' to
      differentiate into other types of cells, said Emanuela Gussoni, a
      biologist in Kunkel's lab and lead author of the paper in today's issue
      of the journal Nature.

      In a related experiment, Gussoni and her colleagues isolated muscle
      stem cells from mice and demonstrated they could generate adult
      muscle cells as well as bone marrow cells.

      Dr. Leon Charash, chairman of the medical advisory committee of the
      Muscular Dystrophy Association, told The Boston Globe that the
      findings were ``exciting'' because ``the work may eventually lead to an
      unanticipated treatment approach for all the muscles ravaged by
      neuromuscular disease.''

       Copyright © 1999 The Associated Press. The information contained in
the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise
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