

ThE MoNsTeR WiThIn

It happened close to noon today. I don’t like me when I get that way.
It’s usually triggered by something small, an object I dropped or a dent in
the wall.
The person I become looks a lot like me. Yet, I am so different when my
anger gets free.
I focus my mind on the cause of my ire and attempt to devise a punishment
I pick it up, if it is near, and attempt to throw it far from here.
If the thing has the gall to bounce back from a wall, I act like a shrew not
tamed at all.
Then I render the unfortunate thing into pieces so small they cannot be
I shall not speak of the rest of this act, except to say in imagination it
The Monster howls and storms around while it slowly, eventually, becomes
Thus far neither people nor animals have I hurt, though a large number of
rocks I have turned into durt.

Marvin Giles