

Thanks for the info, Patty, h

Patty Maeglin a écrit:

> Maryse,
> In reference to Jim's post and question "why don't Parkinsonians just take
> GABA that you can buy over the counter for sleep" ?  Two types of GABA A &B,
> good idea to ask Doc how to incorporated it along with ones anti-park meds.
> GABA, an amino acid, inhibits cells from overfiring, and 750 milligrams of it
> can be taken to calm the body down much in the same way as valium, Librium,
> and other tranquilizers without the fear of addiction.  GABA is being
> recommended by wholistic health professionals in place of many drugs.  With
> niacinamide and inosital, it prevents anxiety and stress-related messages
> from reaching the motor centers of the brain by filling it's receptor site.
> it functions as a neuron transmitter inn the central nervous system by
> decreasing neuron activity.   -
> James F. Balch and Phyllis A. Balch
> "Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing"
> (Garden City  Park New York:Avery Publishing group, Inc.1990

as anyone ever tried it? as far as I know, it's not available over the counter in
France. Side effects?