

Dear Ivan-- please don't feel unappreciated-- I think it unlikely that
written testimony at a Senate or House hearing is ever distributed to the
media---the only reason we got the repeated sound bites and clips on other
networks was that MJF was there!   Your excellent testimony will be printed
in the hearing record---available to all Senators--but not immediately.   I
think your suggestion to me on the phone last night that people copy from
the list and send to their legislators is a great one---that's a way to
make sure the health aides (at least) have a CHANCE (at least) to read it.

 I intend to do that, and hope others will too.

Thanks for all the labor you put into it, and  try to realize that you may
have had unrealistic expectations for how public it would be.
Take care----

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH
<[log in to unmask]>

                              "In all beginnings, endings lie enfolded,
                                     implicit and invisible as roots."

                                   from: "Leaving the Garden"--CHF