

WHH wrote:
>I also liked the one that goes approxinately  "And if we can just get a
>on it I really think we can get this done and we'll be outta your way."

My husband, Jamie,  opted to go to work at 12 noon today because he suffered
one of those familiar 'bad nights' that PD folks sometimes have.  After I
got my messages off the list at 8 a.m. I told him that his choice to go to
work later  was fortuitous because C-Span was carrying the Senate hearings
on PD funding.  After flipping on the TV we sat together and watched the
proceedings - often, with tears in our eyes.  MJF was magnificent.  His
moving testimony, as well as his courage, put a very human face on Young
Onset Parkinson's disease.  It has become evident to us how important it is
to have a celebrity at the forefront of a 'cause.'  His face has been on
both local and national news here in the greater Detroit area,  and it is
his name that has gotten the attention of the press.  Just as Rock Hudson
personalized the fight of AIDS sufferers, so Michael J. Fox has brought to
the attention of the nation the fact that Parkinson's Disease can afflict
the young, healthy, and talented.

Many on this list (and off of it) have worked diligently to make government
recognize the horrible debilitating nature  of this disease.  I applaud all
of you and offer my sincere and heart felt thanks for your hard work and
God bless
Mary Ann Ryan (CG Jamie 59/20)