

No, she keeps trying to die, and/or get seriously hurt. Think of someone else. I
was only half kidding. There are people who, if  they held a benefit or whatever
would draw a crowd and get money, I just don't know who,  Nita

Bent Willow wrote:

> -Nita wrote:
> . Maybe Michael Fox's
> >testimony, which has been run in the Houston area over and over will help.
> Now
> >we need an Elizabeth Taylor or some one to hold benefits.
> LOL.
> Thats what I appreciate about this list - positive thinkers.  Hey, Nita, why
> don't you give Liz a call.  Ya never know - she may have a free weekend in
> her schedule where a PD benefit just might fit in.
> -----
> God bless
> Mary Ann (CG Jamie 59/20)