

You are absolutely right, Camilla. And in fact i printed out some copies and
took then in with me yesterday and distributed them amongst some of the
members of the audience.

Camilla Flintermann wrote:
> Dear Ivan-- please don't feel unappreciated-- I think it unlikely that
> written testimony at a Senate or House hearing is ever distributed to the
> media---the only reason we got the repeated sound bites and clips on other
> networks was that MJF was there!   Your excellent testimony will be printed
> in the hearing record---available to all Senators--but not immediately.   I
> think your suggestion to me on the phone last night that people copy from
> the list and send to their legislators is a great one---that's a way to
> make sure the health aides (at least) have a CHANCE (at least) to read it.
>  I intend to do that, and hope others will too.
> Thanks for all the labor you put into it, and  try to realize that you may
> have had unrealistic expectations for how public it would be.
> Take care----
>         Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH
> <[log in to unmask]>
>                               "In all beginnings, endings lie enfolded,
>                                      implicit and invisible as roots."
>                                    from: "Leaving the Garden"--CHF