

hi all

At 14:58 1999/10/01 -0400, cathy wrote:
>I  am in the process of applying for disability benefits in the US  My
>application was submitted. Now I have received  from SSA a questionnaire
>asking all sorts of questions about how I spend my day. This one looks
>like a minefield to me.  If any one who has been through this process
>and  can give me advise  and/or anything to avoid, I would  greatly
>appreciate the information.  I plan to fill  this form this weekend.
>thank  you,

hi cathy

i am on disability in ontario

i asked the list for advice just as you are

the best thing i was told at the time
was to answer all questions as you are right now with no medication:
that is your 'true' medical condition

you might want to take a look at
the summary of hilary blue's disability which is in my website
under /my pienet words/1999/june

for the ontario adjudication process
my doctor was required to fill out a 10 or more page
analysis of my ability to carry out the Activities of Daily Living
all items rated on a scale from 'no-problem' to 'no-can-do'

now is the time for the cold straight facts
no 'softening the blow'

please feel free to ask more about it as you are working on it


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
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