

Hi--I find this very interesting--could you tell us how old, how long
diagnosed, etc your brother is? I wonder if this surgery migh be an option
for Peter, who is not a candidate for pallidotomy. Is a degree of
dementia/cognitive problems an eliminating factor?

>My brother had biSTN April 98.
>Before surgery he had to crawl around on his hands and
>Two weeks after surgery he was operating tractors and
>other farm machinery planting corn and soybeans.
>Two months after surgery he was up on the house roof
>doing carpenter work.
>If you asked him if he would do it again --- his answer
>is YES.
>Except for the 30 minutes or so till meds kick in in the
>morning you would be hardpressed to figure out he has an
>advanced stage of PD.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 81/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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