

On  7 Oct 99 at 12:39, Barb_MSN wrote:

> Bob.... I just spent a half hour talking to various medical staff
> at my LOCAL Red Cross Blood Donation Center:  Before going any
> further, from YOU we need the following info to pass on to the Red
> Cross:
> Dawana's FULL name.  The name, address, city of the hospital she's
> at.  Dawana's blood-type (if you know it) and the name of the
> ATTENDING physician.
> The following information is needed prior to ANY of us donating


Only you would have the brilliant foresight to think of this and the tenacity
to follow it up, meds working or not working........Thank you!

Here in Canada, they didn't want my blood when I was in the Tasmar trials.
Anyone, wishing to donate, needs to have a list of the meds they take to
present to the blood agency.  My blood is Type A.

> Bob and Dawana, we're all pulling for ya!

Yes, we are!!!   .................. murray
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