

Dear List:

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm afraid it will do no good to try
to reason with Rep. Jay Dickey of Arkansas.  He does not represent my
district (thank heavens), but I tried many times to get him to support the
Udall bill, without success.   If you recall, a second "Parkinson's" bill was
proposed at the last minute by certain right-wing Christian conservatives who
have their own organization for "like-minded" members of Congress.  This
second PD bill was actually a fluke, restricting scientists and allocating
much less money than Udall, plus no fetal tissue use or much of anything
else.  No PD organizations or groups supported it &  they really couldn't get
much attention for it.  Anyway, he was all but rude to me, was totally
uninterested in what anyone with PD thinks.  At least I managed to get a
letter printed in the Little Rock newspaper thanking all of Arkansas'
members of Congress who supported Udall....
and listed their names AND the names of the two (Dickey was one) who did not.

Thankfully, he is coming up for reelection and has some good competition this
time around.  A lot of people in Arkansas are tired of his self-serving
attitude. I don't mean to offend anyone from Arkansas, but if you are on this
list and have supported him in the past you need to know where he stands.
BTW, when the final Udall vote was held he did vote for it........after 2
years of opposition.....but it was only for the sake of appearances.  It
doesn't surprise me at all that he would try to stick in the fetal tissue
amendment at the last minute.  I'm sure this was well planned by the
"Christians in Congress"  (I think that is the group's name but it's been so
long, that I'm not sure.)  I think we should be prepared for their opposition
anytime the issue of fetal tissue or something similar arises.

Rosemary Russell       51,   6yrs.
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