


Here is another widely shared opinion:  this list is a forum for opinion; discussion and
opinion are two of the reasons it exists.

I think FEAR of uninformed individuals tends to make them lose their perspective and all
sense of proportion, and not those who have studied the issues of stem-cell and other
bio-medical research being developed to replace lost dopamine-producing brain cells.

And, Yes, people have been made well and/or greatly improved by stem-cell transplantation.

By all means you too are entitled to your opinion.
But please, tell us what exactly do you feel is wrong with this research?  These fertilized
eggs bring new life to couples who would otherwise not be able to have children, and they in
turn, donate the left-over unusable eggs/cells for research and for transplantation to make
people well again.  As I've said:  It's Life giving Life--a win win situation.  Whereas,
sadly and tragically organ donation is life from death,


Do you feel that organ donation is a cure at all costs?  Would you abolish that too?  Have
you thought this through?

We have nothing to fear but fear itself, because there is good reason to hope for a cure and
at least great improvement in treatment.

Here's to a less frightening future through support of exciting, sensible, ethical, legal,
humane, and reasonable research for a CURE!!

Respectfully yours,
Charlotte Mancuso
Paul Ayes wrote:

             > My, my, my there sure has been a flurry of opinions thrown around about
             > "Stem Cell Research", including comments about how everyone should
             > think, feel and rally for this supposed "answer". If I don't agree with
             > it, does it make my PD less, my symptoms less, my fear of future less
             > freighting?  Has all of the opinionated ones considered how others might
             > feel. I have always feared a "Pandora's Box" with this research.  It is
             > interesting to observe humans in desperate situations, they tend to lose
             > all ultimate outcome thought processes.  A cure for PD is certainly
             > needed, but at what cost.  A cure for PD at all costs is an interesting
             > thought...
             > Paul Ayers
             > PWP

Charlotte Mancuso
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