

All the talk of pigs has got me at it here is my Porky tale for you all


I think that I will call you Porky,

Because you are so nice and fat.

I will dress you in pyjamas,

And Grand-dad's old top hat.

In my Sister's pram I will push you down the street,

We will say good morning to every-one we meet.

Your manners are appalling you really must not squeak,

If you grunt as we pass the Butchers,

I am sure he will not speak.

So behave yourself young Porky, for this will never do,

To squeak and grunt at people, it's not like the real you.

Why do you always shudder when we speak of ham and eggs,

We buy these from the farmer, the one with the big fat legs.

You are very ignorant, Yes Porky you are a fool,

So starting from tomorrow you must go to school.

One thing you must know it pays to be good,

Just listen to the teacher like a good Porky should.

If you really learn all that a pig must know,

There is every chance; for you to grow and grow.

When you are fully grown and are really nice and big,

Porky I will break it to you gently that you are just a PIG.

Bernard Shaw.
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If your face wants to smile,Let it,
If it doesn't make it.