

Thanks for the info on hearing being reshown.  Even though I don't think I
get that on my cable service, I clicked on the URL address and the site
shows a very brief summary of the testimonies and lists each participant
and by the name showed a thumbnail size picture of each one.  I clicked on
the thumbnail pic and voila--a larger picture of each one comes up when
clicked so I was able to print out a good image of each participant.
        I'm planning to put the pictures in a folder with the testimonies of each
that list members forwarded to the list this week so I can take the entire
folder to my support group in St. Joseph, MO.  I will also take Ivan
Suzeman's submitted written testimony.  Then my non-internet connected
Parkie members can see/read about the hearing and feel as excited as I do
about the hoped for progress toward increased funding for pd research.  If
I can figure out by the morning meeting(Thurs Oct. 7) how each MO senator
and representative voted on Labor/HSS FY 2000 appropriations, I'll take
that info along so everyone can call/write and let them know how we MO
constituents feel about the way the congressperson voted.  I plan to draft
a thank you note from the entire support group and ask for signatures to
send to each person who testified to show the appreciation of pwp, friends
and family in MO.  How's that for grassroots advocacy?

Jeanette Fuhr 49/47/44?

From: Nina P. Brown <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Saturday, October 02, 1999 11:08 PM

In case anyone wants to see or retape the hearing,
it is going to be reshown Sunday at 12:03 p.m. ET
