

Hello Chris and fellow list servers
I am particularly interested in the effectiveness of DBS for treatment
of rigidity in PD.  My brother has minor tremors on the right side but
has extreme rigidity on the left side. His left arm has a slow rolling
motion and his left arm and leg have little normal working  movement as
they are so rigid. He has just started taking Tasmar and although it is
early it  seems to be effective. He has been considering a pallidotomy
for two reasons: (1) DBS is not covered by health ins. (2) His local GP
advised him that DBS was not very effective for symptoms of rigidity and
chance of  infection was quite high. It is interesting to see a post
indicating that ins. companies are beginning to cover DBS. Where can I
go to get data on the effectiveness of DBS for symptoms of rigidity?
Regards,  Ron Erickson