

Murray, I truly like what I know of you, and I always read your posts, but
you have managed to hit me in 2 areas in 2 days. I worked 16 years helping
farmers and ranchers make a living, and I did take you comments as a slam,
also read your explanation and understand it wasn't meant that way.
But your comments on multilevel marketing got me again. After I had to take
med retirement, I haven't received a thank you for your service, we are
sorry to hear, best of luck or kiss our ass message from Texas a&m
university, best I can tell they could care less I worked for them, or that
I'm gone. What no one told me was that even though my disability was
approved, it didn't mean any of the 3 retirement organizations were ready to
cut a check. I went 60 days without an income, and went into it unprepared.
But just before I found out I wasn't going to get a check, I bought into a
multi-level marketing company as a thank you for someone who kept a horse
for me for 4 months, and then wouldn't take any money for it. I knew he was
a big wig in the company, so I bought in as a thank you to him.  Working
part time (which is all I can do),  my wife and I  have made over $3000
income in the last 5 weeks - without relying on the multi-level aspect of
the company.  I don't know of any normal job I could do which would allow me
to make this type of income working part time, especially with my current
level of disability.  I will grant that many multilevel marketing schemes
are no more than pyramid schemes, and don't pay off, but dont paint them all
with the same brush.  That is not fair.
Not trying to make you feel bad, but I did feel bad when I read both your
posts. My life may not be what anyone else would enjoy, but I do feel like I
made a significant improvement in many lives as a county agent, and I know I
am helping many of my customers now find out exactly how the big traditional
communication companies are over charging them. I am saving them money, and
they understand that I am making money on their long distance service, and
they do NOT have to join the company to take advantage of the services
bob "tex" armentrout
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