

shezz i don't know where to start. well first mom said read the mail DON'T
post any thing. i said ok. well she is a women lo she had 2 teeth to fall
out she is at the densest. man would not be in such a hurry.  lolo well a
couble of my post where some one was out to make money. i got them from
CENTRAL OHIO PARKINSON SOCIETY. i do not surf. so i just got them from them
thought it would help. so many on the list today check this out for PD. i do
but so much any more is over i mean way over my head. and on T.V.  they say
how you can get virus from cards,candle story roses, so on i always en joy
them. put lot in my fayerments. if we read every one that is put on boy look
at the time. it would take  to read.  i try to. all poems hugs and kisses
sent i realy in joy them and hope U don't stop. there was a day i could spot
a scam smell them a mile a way. i even called a fellow who advertised on
t.v.  told him it was a scam. he changed his add. right now i don't know if
i am on or off . so take what i say which a grain of salt. PET SCAM MRI,S
my meds are working.  i still got lot of more things that BROWLEY has put on
the list. to day they had 2 doctors tell to have a better life. both said
what i have said for aa long time keep your sleeping habits day in and day
out. meds the same,never changes your meds with your nero ok. i am on the
same time i have been on for 25 years. bed at 9:pm up at 5;AM. DO NOT NEED A
ALARM CLOCK only advice i give is what i have gone through and from my
heart. it may not be the best or right. as we are all so different. mom says
i worry more about other PWP'S than my self. but that is me. i still learn
from the list. those that have some operation i am so glad it works for
them. i made a mistake long long time ago it like after you ate your cake
you can't eat the same piece again lo but you sure whish the blue blazes you
could. i am possible wrong but i think we ALL ME TO are getting picky.  all
PWPS get that way at times. so never be ashamed in what you believe.  i am
going to quit i amm hit keys same one to many times  then got to delete some

                                  I.Y.Q.  DON  AND VIVIAN
                                  LOVE OF MY LIVE-54

                              BEST MED FOR PD IS
                             LOVE UNDERSTAND FOR ALL
