

Hi, Tom -

Welcome to the list.  My husband was diagnosed at age 37.  You'll find many
young onset PWP (people with Parkinson's) here on the list, so you've come to
the right place.

You didn't say where you live or whether you are seeing a movement disorder
specialist rather than a general neurologist.  If you have access to one, I'd
strongly recommend it.  If you're not sure where the nearest movement
disorder specialist is, someone on the list is sure to be able to help.

Now for my unsolicited, non-medical opinion:  The dosages of Sinemet sound
very heavy for someone so newly diagnosed.  It makes me wonder if the shaking
you describe is truly  PD tremor or if it could be dyskinesia caused by too
much medication.  You'll find we're fairly free with advice here on the list,
and of course you're free to ignore it, and should always consider the
source.  However, if you hear the same thing from several list members, it
might be worth thinking about.  The pain in your buttocks could also be from
dystonia, another side effect of medication.

The other bit of advice I have is to recommend that you look for a
young-onset support group in your area.  If you don't live near such a
meeting, this list is an excellent source of support.  In fact, it's a
gigantic support group of about 1800 people.  Glad you could join us.

Margie Swindler   cg for Dick, 54/17

<<  In Oct. of 97 at age 36, I first noticed my left foot shaking while on the
 operating table for corporal tunnel surgery on my left hand.  The shaking
 was slight, so I ignored it for a few months.

 I was diagnosed with Parkinson in Feb. 98. at age 36.

 Started taking Elderprel.

 Went for second opinion and switched doctors. The new doctor took me off
 Elderprel to try various other drugs, Amanatine, Mirapex, Sinemet CR.

 I currently take:
 7am:  .5 mg Mirapex, 1.5 pills of Sinemet CR 50-200, Vit. C & E
 11am: .5 mg Mirapex, 1.5 pills of Sinemet CR 50-200, Vit. C & E
 4pm:  1.5 pills of Sinemet CR 50-200
 10pm: 1 mg Mirapex, 1.5 pills of Sinemet CR 50-200, Vit. C & E

 My left foot/leg shakes the most, my left hand is starting to shake. But my
 pain is my left buttocks, which can really hurt. So much so that I would
 rather stand then sit.

 I have seen a physical therapist with no luck and a massage therapist, also
 no luck in reliving the pain.