

Dave Broadfoot is one of my all time favourite comedians. He will be 74
in December
but he’s still growing strong...

Some Dave Broadfoot one-liners:

Describing Preston Manning to Americans: Ross Perot on helium.

On Brian Mulroney: Where else could a prime minister leave office with a
nine per cent
approval rating, then turn around and sue the government for ruining his

On stardom: In the U.S. celebrities worry about crowd control. In Canada
they wear
name tags.

Social commentary: If you can have a smoking section in restaurants, why
not a peeing
section in swimming pools?

On child rearing: Never raise your hand to a child (and leave your groin

On birth control: They say Rameses II of Egypt fathered 100 children. So
why the heck
did they name a condom after him?

On crime: Never buy a purse from a man out of breath.

On nothing in particular: You gotta feel sorry for a guy suffering from
both lockjaw and
seasickness at the same time.

Q: How many Canadians does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. Canadians don't change lightbulbs, we accept them as they are.
Judith Richards, London, Ontario, Canada
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