

Audrey here. Thank Heavens I found you!  My husband; Richard was given the PD diagnosis about 18 months
ago.  He had a right hand tremor and a slight shuffle. His Neurologist has tried him on just about every thing 
in the book, with horrible side affects.  The more he was given, the faster the decline it seemed.  He was taken 
off all meds and for a few days felt better and for the first time in a year he drove the car. (That was in June)
Then back on meds he was able to mow the lawn (both walking and riding). 
Since then Dick has lost over 30 lbs. and can barely do anything.  Eat, talk,  walk ,RLS, fits end stage description.
On 10/6 he is going to Cleveland Clinic for evaluation for surgery. I have been reading about the different surgeries
but long times on the table really give me pause. Dick just had his 77th birthday and dumb me, I figured at that age,
something else would get him before the Parkinson's.   I am also wondering about PSP, the ugly cousin, because 
he has so many symptoms that sound like PSP that I haven't seen discussed here on the list. The eyes, neck and 
back especially. I welcome any comments, questions, suggestions.  Thank you again and Thank you Camilla
for the poem (it made me cry)  and for your patience. New on the computer too.  Audrey