

Those of you who live in the NYC area might want
to consider participating in a 16 week study
on excercise and PD:


Howard A. Rusk Institute of
Rehabilitation Medicine
NYU/Mount Sinai Med Ctr
400 East 34 Street
New York, NY  10016

(212) 263-6547

from letter announcing this project:
>>Our goal is to counteract the motor impairments
associated with PD by helping you increase
your level of physical activity.

Too see if you can partake of this study, please 
consult your neurologist.  The decision to participate
is entirely voluntary and free of charge.

If you meet the entry requirements and agree to participate,
it will be necessary for you to attend a one-hour session of
excercise once-a-week for 16 consecutive weeks.

During each visit, you will undergo ranging of your legs
by means of a mechanical device in order to help normalize
your muscular tone.  This will take approximately 20 minutes.

Then you will perform various excercises appropriate to
your condition while wearing a supportive harness to
maximize safety.

During the last 5-10 minutes of each weekly visit, while
wearing the safety harness, you will walk on a treadmill
at a speed that is comfortable to you.

In order to supplement your weekly one-hour excercise
sessions at our research lab, a mechanical ranging device
will be placed in your home for you to use daily over a
six-week period.

In addition, you will be asked to perform tests which
examine some of your symptoms of Parkinson's disease
which include evaluation of your arm, leg, facial and 
body movements, ability to walk, etc.<<

If you are interested, please call Dr. John Gianutsos,
Director of Research at (212) 263-6547 between 10am-5pm,
Monday-Friday for further information.

This is a study I don't mind sharing with you all
because it carries *no adverse side effects*

Hope some of you jump to the opportunity.


Victoria Nordli cg