

Oh oh!  I THINK I may have sent an email which I'd MEANT to be
private, as a "Reply to ALL," in which case it's gonna show up
publicly on the List.

Since I'm going to be leaving the house early in the a.m. today to
attend a PD symposium, I won't have time to logon before I leave
to check and see if I had indeed screwed up in sending that
message publicly rather than privately.  JUST IN CASE my message
DOES end up publicly posted, I'd rather apologize NOW than have
that on my conscience while attending the symposium.

Sooo... to Janet Paterson:

Please know that the message I sent you as a reply last nite WAS
intended to be sent as a private email.   IF it ends up being
posted on the List, I'm most sorry.  That truly wasn't my
intention, as I was more than a little catty, and would never have
purposely tried to cause you - someone I like and respect - to
feel pain or shame via the public airwaves.

Sincerely (and I mean that),

Barb Mallut
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