

hi all

At 20:34 1999/10/08 -0400, i wrote the following with the intention
of 'spoofing' the ultimate nit-picking-complaining-whiner

seems like nobody got the joke
seems i need to go back to writing school

y'all didn't really think i meant all this, didja?
heck, i normally don't use that many exclamation marks in a month!

if anyone feels 'duped' i'm sorry
i was just trying to lighten things up a tad


geeze louise,
y'all thought i meant 'wimpy-assed'?

>to carole and judith and other thread-spinners
>with the GREATEST respect:
>there's a perfct example of really POOR use of the subject-header-line
>let alone topic-names!!!
>could someone, ANYONE, please tell me what the heck
>the above sentimental and totally IRRELEVANT girl-talk
>has to do with "topic-names"???
>or even with PD,
>when you get right down TOIT???
>all this boring talk about nit-picking and crying and crankiness
>has NO BUSINESS on this list
>and i, for one, am, quite frankly, getting sick and tired
>of having to read this kind of useless malarkey
>it really hurts my sensitive eyeballs AND
>TURNS my delicate stomach
>and i feel quite bad enough already, thank you very much!!!
>the last time i looked,
>THIS list was SUPPOSED to be about Parkinson's Disease
>not some do-gooder WIMPLY-ASS 'sharing' support group
>moaning and complaining 'oh, woe is me'!!!
>do us all a HUGE favour and
>go join the PILLOW PUNCHERS' newsgroup!!!
>and another thing that i fail to understand is
>just what is so darned "difficult"
>for our so-called INTELLIGENT list-members
>about making a simple little change to the subject header line,
>[so simple that even a schizoid IDIOT would be able to do it
>blindfolded and with one hand tied behind his back[
>when replying to a post???
>how on god's green earth can we keep
>CERTAIN list-members from complaining about list-volume
>if we can't even use this SIMPLE feature to our advantage???
>why do i even BOTHER suggesting all these things???
>nobody EVER appreciates it!!!
>and another thing that really takes the cake,
>just what is all this ridiculous GARBAGE about optimism and pessimism???
>who cares???!!! i have pd, period!!!
>that's ALL that matters to ME!!!
janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
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