

hi all

At 11:57 1999/10/10 EDT, jim wrote to me:
>Hi Janet -
>Just when you thought it was safe to read a 'paper or check
>the InterNet: There I am - again.  Ha, ha
>Anyway, last month 2 newspapers contacted yours truly with requests
>for  interviews. They were "The Boston Globe" and (Albany, NY's)
>"Times Union."  I gather that both writers had read the "Popular
>Science" article and found my E-Mail address on the WebSite.
>I've "pasted" the NY piece into this note and will send the Boston
>article,  too.   I am concerned that they may be "overkill" if posted
>to the ListServe.  Let's face it, the publicity for this project has
>hogged (sorry, I can't help myself - ha, ha) a lot of attention.  By
>the way, the "Globe" story is already on ""
>Now, this is completely up to you.  Do you think it would be a good
>idea to add these 2 articles to the WebSite's diary and then announce
>the addition via the ListServe?  Should we leave well enough alone
>and not even put them in the diary?  It's your call.  Even if you
>don't use them, I figured you'd like to read the latest.
>Let me know -

my dear jim

you said this is completely up to me and it's my call

well, my call is loud and clear and public

when you first started sending in updates
i thought that your story needed to be hollered from the rooftops
and i still do

i don't believe that any of us could get too much of your story
whether we all realise it or not

posting is not only posting for instant communication
it's how information gets into the archives

i am using my web-site as a semi-cyber-home for the list
as a means of providing easy access to the gold in them thar hills
and as a means of showing them off
we have an amazing pd resource at our fingertips
because of the archives

but more important
you are the only person i know of who has parkinson's
who is getting better

i want to know everything that happens to you
[well.... not Everything...]
and everything that gets told about you to the world

so as far as i am concerned
post away
post until you can post no more
post until the cows and the pigs come home
and whatever you post i will add to the website

isn't that exactly what we have been itching to get?
don't restrict it now
let 'er rip!!!


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
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