

hi all

At 13:20 1999/10/11 -0500, hilary wrote:
>Hey Don,
>FIrst let me remind you what i've told you before- when
>it comes to PD you are my hero!...

and ditto again

>Now let me tell you two things that happened to me on the list
>this week
>1. I found myself in one of those silly exchanges about the word
>"crazy' which ended up in barb mallut inviting herself for dinner
>and other silly things, and i thought "what fun".. Then I thought,
>oh dear, that shouldnt have been on the list, and then i thought,
>well if nobody else says anything, neither will i, and i kept quiet,
>but  i was sorry....

i actually felt pain when i read these words
and i feel helpless about it

i care very much about this group and the dynamics that happen here
that caring has nothing to do with 'elf-ness' or 'mom-ness'

it's got everything to do with
our days and weeks and months and years
of learning and leaning together

i think the 'silly' energy that grows around some of our exchanges
is just as nourishing and just as much 'supportive' as
a PMID abstract or
a political call to the phones or
a full-blown response to a loud yell for help

it's magic
it is grace given
it cannot be replaced by lists of jokes
it should not be surrounded by guilt feelings
it is not a sin to share joy with each other
it is a sin to deny such a gift

until we become as little children....

>2. i was helped out of a very difficult situation by somebody
>whom i have never met, and who doisnt know me. Just because we
>are both on the list. HArlan Williams, a young lawyer, gave
>freely of his time and his expertise to help me,   JUST BECAUSE
>that has never happened to me before, not anywhere, anytime, nohow!
>ANd that is the MIRACLE OF THE LIST  and we'll go a long way till
>we find anything else like it! ....

a-men and a-women to that!


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
a new voice: <>
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