

Dear Rita--what great news about Griffin--it has been a terribly long and
rocky road for this little guy and his family, but you seem to be in the
clear---how nice to have some happy endings along the way !

Rita Weeks wrote in part___
>As a postscript to this........after 81 days at UCSF.....Griffin is finally
>home from the hospital.......2 liver transplants, 3 blood clots, two moderate
>rejection periods, several infections and drug reactions just to name a few
>of his events for the summer!  And now he is an 18 month old with a chance to
>grow up!!!
>Rita  55/10

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH
<[log in to unmask]>

                              "In all beginnings, endings lie enfolded,
                                     implicit and invisible as roots."

                                   from: "Leaving the Garden"--CHF