

hi all

At 16:18 1999/10/11 -0500, linda wrote:
>Hi all, Linda here. I've been in here for a while, sopping
>up information about P.D. ....

gee linda, that sounds kind of damp [!}

>Now I have a question for you - I was
>started on Sinemet about 3 weeks ago, so I've been reading lots about
>it. I came across a reference to the fact that I can have unrestricted
>amts. of Non-diet soda. Why non-diet? Any insight is greatly appreciated.
>Thank you. In faith that a cure will be found  Linda Potter

i'd love to know more about the reference where you found that comment
"unrestricted amounts of non-diet soda"

i believe that there is a [bio-chemical?] connection between
sinemet [levodopa/carbidopa] and sugar

sweet drinks seem to aid in absorption of sinemet

a lot of parkies seem to develop sweet teeth i.e. sugar cravings

there has been considerable discussion about this topic
which should be findable in the list archives
if you do a search on
sugar, craving, sweet, ice-cream - like that

i can't remember if there are formal clinical studies
confirming this anecdotal evidence - i will look into it

how is your intro to sinemet going?


janet paterson
52 now / 41 dx / 37 onset
613 256 8340 po box 171 almonte ontario canada K0A 1A0
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