

Dear List-Family...

I need your collective help.  I need your help because
 I run a PD support group that, while they're a bunch of
very nice people, they  almost always wait to be
ENTERTAINED by me - in my capacity as moderator
as well as a PWP - and by the assorted guest speakers I've
scheduled in the 18 months since the start of the group.

I learned mighty fast that when I scheduled a guest speaker,
I could count on between 25 to 45 attendees, and for a
select few speakers, there have been over 100 attending.

What I'm TRYING to say is that we get the BODIES but we
don't get a whole heckuva lotta INTERACTION *during* the
meeting amongst the members.

People DO interact after the meetings and attend our
monthly "Parkies-On-the-Town" dinners at local eateries
tho, and do interact then. (WHEW)

I 'm now planning the November 20th meeting, and it's
going to be an interactive meeting if it KILLS me!  I'm
gonna do my darndest to cause interaction amongst those
who attend the meeting if I've gotta stand on my head and
spit wooden nickels!  (errrrr... I don't do very often) <giggle>

Since the group members always like it when I tell them a
PD-related tip or two, WHAT I NEED FROM *YOU* is a list
of the tips you you've learned about making life with PD
easier, whether as a PWP, or a caregiver.  I'm thinking of tips

- Taking your meds with a sweet beverage  usually
causes the meds to kick in faster.

- Vitamin E can often get rid of leg cramping

And on and on...  Since many of the tips are kinda
oddities - like the fact that Parkies as a group seem to
crave SWEETS - that kind of thing DOES catch the group's
attention and they tend to interject by offering their their
viewpoints and comments.

Will you all help me get 'em to interact by either posting
your PD-related tips to the List or be emailing 'em to me?
(My guess is that a public posting on the List, of your tips
would be of value to many of our newer List members)

Then I can build the entire November meeting around the
many tips that help those cope with Parkinson's.  And
THEN there's sure to be a lot of member interaction!

Thanks a lot, youse people!

Barb Mallut (getting collection of wooden nickels ready for
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