

Hi Joan--thanks for the update--it does sound encouraging.  Please tell Jo
we appreciate the good news, as I'm not sure Dennis ' mailbox is "open"
right now.

>hi! just got another note from Jo, Den's wife:
>First thank you from both of us for all your lovely messages of support.
>went in to see Den today,(2 days post-op), and was there to see the 2nd
>at switching him on. There is a definite response, and it was amazing to
>the doctor connect up and turn on the stimulator when Den was twitchy
>rocking and to see him calm before my eyes. At the moment it is early
>but the registrar says it was 'most encouraging'. I just hugged him and
>Thank You, God!

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH
<[log in to unmask]>

                              "In all beginnings, endings lie enfolded,
                                     implicit and invisible as roots."

                                   from: "Leaving the Garden"--CHF