

>             from Walter:
>           The group that seems to be missing as public advocates for PD
>           research are the researcher, clinicians and doctors who are involved
>           with PD research and treatment.  Is it my impression that they seem to
>           be above the fray?  If so, how can they become involved?
Charlotte Mancuso wrote:

> Hello,
> On September 28, there was a Senate hearing before the L/HHS/E appropriations subcommittee
> regarding focused funding for PD research.  Among those testifying (Michael J. Fox, Jim Cordy,
> NPF, Joan Samuelson, PAN, Dr. G. Fischback head of the NINDS, National Institute of
> Neurological Disorders and Stroke), was Dr. William Langston, Founder and President of the
> Parkinson's Institute in Sunnyvale, CA.  Dr. Langston is a world-renowned expert in
> Parkinson's research.  He  discovered MPTP used to create a  Parkinson's  animal model from
> which to study the physiology of the brain, the disease process, and to test new therapies,
> and he sees patients in the clinic.
> But I know what you mean.  Even though they partner with groups like PAN and testify at
> hearings, give talks, and even speak to the media, they usually do maintain a sort of detached
> objectivity that really is kind of traditional in the sciences.  I'm sure there are political
> reasons, conflicts of interest issues, and so on; but I liken this demeanor to the research
> papers they write that are always in passive voice, which gives their work the tone of this
> same detached objectivity, e.g.,
>           the substantia nigra was lesioned and parkinsonian symptoms were
>           observed...
> (or perhaps the detachment of a past President who doesn't want to take responsibility for
> some debacle, such as the famous or infamous phrase "mistakes were made," uttered by President
> Reagan during the Iran-Contra scandal.)
> Well, I digress-- just some thoughts...I don't know how to involve them more.  Call Pan when
> this busy funding period is over:  1-800-850-4726.
> Charlotte
> -----------------------------------------
> Charlotte Mancuso
> ***************************************************
> For advocacy, medical, and other PD-related material, go to:

Charlotte Mancuso
For advocacy, medical, and other PD-related material, go to: