

Dear Mette, PIEN and PD-CARE:

My priinted testimony is MISSING from the very impressive and helpful PAN

I have gone to the PAN web site, but my Testimony, which was in the
distributed at the hearing, is not there.  Can PAN please act urgently to
correct this
omission?? I believe I was the only person not present, whose testimony
was officially requested.

 After three grueling dys and nights, I submitted 15 double-spaced, typed
pages for the Hearing.  This
was prepared with the editing assistance of PIEN listmembers Janet
has acted as the temporary Listowner while Barbara Patterson was on
Claire Wilson, and Hilary Blue.

My testimony was requested by inter-Senatorial arrangements.   Mr.
Specter's office
was definitely provided with my Testimony after his colleague,  who is
one of my two US Senators,
 Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine, requested official testimony from me,
from her Washington office.

My understanding from both Senators' staffs is that my testimony
was there, and was and is part of the Labor HHS Apppropriations
Subcommittee packet .  Would you
please contact either Jennifer Griffith at Senator Snowe's Washington
Office, or
Senator Specter's Office at the Appropriations Committee Room.?

How can I help you to locate my Testimony?  It was published on the PIEN
List by
Janet Paterson, in three parts.  It was also condensed and submitted to
Washington by Ohioan and PD-CARE listowner, Camilla Flintermann


Ivan Suzman  49/39/36
Portland, Maine

On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 11:17:22 -0700 Mette Adams
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>As of October 5th, the entire testimony (including Dr. Fishbach and
>Cordy) of the Labor HHS Appropriations Subcomm. transcript has been on
>website. To find this information, scroll down the website page
> and click on the area titled "Read
>testimonies from hearing......"
>Originally, we did not have copies of Dr. Fishbach and Mr. Cordy's
>testimonies, and thus could not post them until the hearing was
>in full. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and
>encourage you to view the hearing transcript and photos that are now
>available on our website.
>If you need any assistance finding this information, please feel free
>contact PAN.
>Mette Adams
>PAN Staff

^^^^^^  WARM GREETINGS  FROM  ^^^^^^^^^^^^  :-)
 Ivan Suzman        49/39/36       [log in to unmask]   :-)
 Portland, Maine    land of lighthouses        45   deg. F   :-)