

Mette....Thanks for posting the names(state) of the senate members' votes
on FY2000 Labor-HHS bill, S.1650.  Can you tell us where to search(maybe at
www.thomas.congress) for the exact wording of the senate passed version?
Also, where can one search to know if our particular senators spoke on
record for/against any part of the bill?

Jeanette Fuhr

From: Mette Adams <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Senate Voting Results
Date: Friday, October 08, 1999 5:30 PM

Here is the vote on final Senate passage of the FY 2000 Labor-HHS bill, S.

YEAs (73):
Abraham (MI)
Akaka (HI)
Baucus (MT)
Bennett (UT)
Biden (DE)
Bingaman (NM)
Bond (MO)
Boxer (CA)
Breaux (LA)
Bryan (NV)
Burns (MT)
Byrd (WV)
Campbell (CO)
Chafee (RI)
Cleland (GA)
Cochran (MS)
Collins (ME)
Coverdell (GA)
Daschle (SD)
DeWine (OH)
Domenici (NM)
Dorgan (ND)
Durbin (IL)
Feinstein (CA)
Frist (TN)
Gorton (WA)
Grassley (IA)
Gregg (NH)
Harkin (IA)
Hatch (UT)
Hollings (SC)
Hutchinson (AR)
Hutchison (TX)
Inouye (HI)
Jeffords (VT)
Johnson (SD)
Kennedy (MA)
Kerrey (NE)
Kerry (MA)
Kohl (WI)
Landrieu (LA)
Lautenberg (NJ)
Leahy (VT)
Levin (MI)
Lieberman (CT)
Lincoln (AR)
Lott (MS)
Lugar (IN)
Mack (FL)
McConnell (KY)
Mikulski (MD)
Moynihan (NY)
Murkowski (AK)
Murray (WA)
Reed (RI)
Reid (NV)
Robb (VA)
Roberts (KS)
Rockefeller (WV)
Roth (DE)
Santorum (PA)
Sarbanes (MD)
Shelby (AL)
Smith (OR)
Snowe (ME)
Specter (PA)
Stevens (AK)
Thompson (TN)
Thurmond (SC)
Torricelli (NJ)
Warner (VA)
Wellstone (MN)
Wyden (OR)

NAYs (25):
Allard (CO)
Ashcroft (MO)
Bayh (IN)
Brownback (KS)
Bunning (KY)
Conrad (ND)
Craig (ID)
Crapo (ID)
Edwards (NC)
Enzi (WY)
Feingold (WI)
Fitzgerald (IL)
Graham (FL)
Gramm (TX)
Grams (MN)
Hagel (NE)
Helms (NC)
Inhofe (OK)
Kyl (AZ)
McCain (AZ)
Nickles (OK)
Sessions (AL)
Smith (NH)
Thomas (WY)
Voinovich (OH)

Not Voting (2):
Dodd (CT)
Schumer (NY)


Mette Adams
PAN Staff