

Yesterday i was distraught. Jessi, my (just turned) 14 year old daughter has
to take medication, and be under regular medical care, has had SSI and
MEdicare in her own name fpr 2 years - most of which she has been in foster
care. Yesterday, we went to get her prescription refilled - and were told by
the pharmacist that she no longer had medicaid coverage. I was aghast - this
was history repeating itself - only July, the same thing had happened to my
bereavement benefits and that was resolved only septa 29th. A little judicious
phoning around  established that her social worker had canceled it two weeks
ago! And , according to the medicaid eligibility worker, that is illegal,
because , although Jessi is at home on a trial basis, legally she is still in
te custody of the Foster Care Dept.! And the child needs h er medication -
only 2 days supply left and you know what can happen when you stop meds
abruptly - and even the best scenario without meds - well she takes them for a
 So I was devastated.
 And then i remembered, when all this harassment began, someone had offered
help - someone had written me - "i am a lawyer in Northern Virginia, If i can
be of any help...."And in desperation, I emailed him last night. Did i know
him? no. But he is a member of the list family, and he opened his heart, and
gave of his special knowledge, and G-d knows as i sit here weeping tears of
gratitude over he keyboard, how thankful i am that this stranger, this friend,
responded in an instant. A couple of phone calls and he had the social
services departments buzzing. Unfortunately, the social worker had done oa
very good job of closing Jessis files, and we had to reapply - but i didnt
have to wait for an appointment, she also found .(the medicaid.sw) found a
spoonsor to pay for this month's prescription till medicaid kicks in for
jessi, and as a corollary i found out that my medicaid had been approved.
Jed, unfortunately, was not so lucky . He turned 18 in May, so has to apply
independently - he is only a part time student, but the sw assured me it was automaitic.
Bu that the application had to go via the state attorney's office.

But the credit goes to


Thank you, with all of my heart.
Thank you for being there in my hour of need.
Thank you for being  a friend indeed *

Hilary Blue

 *thihk i can sell that to Hallmark?